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from Nymphaea, genus (Nymphaeaceae), and L. folium, leaf: leaves resembling those of Nymphaea

There were 18 illustrations found for epithet nymphaeifolius,-a,-um

32716 71291 Anthurium nymphaeifolium K. Koch & C.D.Bouché
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 96 [ser. 3, vol. 26]: t. 5848 (1870) [W.H. Fitch]
299266 71291 Anthurium nymphaeifolium K. Koch & C.D.Bouché
W.B. Hemsley, Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot., vol. 5 : t. 97 (1879) [C.O. Salvin]
499266 264551 Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott [125 94161 Arum esculentum L.]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 3 : t. 786 (1846) [ontbreekt]
365415 508963 Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J. Presl) Kubitzki [181 508970 Hernandia peltata Meissner]
B.C. Seemann, Fl. Vit., vol. 2 : t. 52 (1873) [W.H. Fitch]
1810156 35768 Albidella nymphaeifolia (Griseb.) Pichon [125 38280 Alisma nymphaeifolium Griseb.]
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 15 [Heft 16], (Alismataceae): p. 25, fig. 11 E-H (1903)
1785462 71291 Anthurium nymphaeifolium K. Koch & C.D.Bouché
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 23(B[1]): [Heft 21], (Araceae - Pothoideae): p. 209, fig. 57 (1905)
1030102 1233403 Rhexia nymphaeifolia
F.H.A. von Humboldt, A. Bonpland, Monogr. Melast., vol. 2 : t. 53 (1823) [Poiteau]
1170432 438592 Ficus nymphaeifolia Miller
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., vol. 47 : p. 162, t. 56 (1960)
1233366 264551 Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott [125 94161 Arum esculentum L.]
H.A. van Rheede tot Drakestein, Hort. Ind. Malab., vol. 11 : t. 22 (1692)
1401375 508963 Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J. Presl) Kubitzki [181 508970 Hernandia peltata Meissner]
Bot. Mitt. Tropen, vol. 1891 fasicle 3, : t. 7, fig. 27 (1891) [W. Rose]
2766025 508963 Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J. Presl) Kubitzki [181 508970 Hernandia peltata Meissner]
S.H. Koorders, T. Valeton, Atlas Baumart. Java, vol. 1 : t. 184 (1913) [R. Samadi]
3248972 71291 Anthurium nymphaeifolium K. Koch & C.D.Bouché
E.A. von Regel, Gartenflora, vol. 21 : t. 719 (1872)
1933365 508963 Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J. Presl) Kubitzki [181 508970 Hernandia peltata Meissner]
R.H. Beddome, Fl. Sylv. S. India, vol. 2 : t. 300 (1874) [Govindoo]
2286066 264551 Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott [125 94161 Arum esculentum L.]
W. Griffith, Ic. Pl. Asiat., vol. 3 : t. 161B, fig. 2 (1851) [W. Griffith]
2918382 508963 Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J. Presl) Kubitzki [0]
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 229, fig. 3 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]
50219716 508963 Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J. Presl) Kubitzki [-1]
Nuttige Ind. Pl.: t. 12, fig. 2 (1894-1900)
3495392 139940 Bertolonia nymphaeaefolia Raddi
G. Raddi, Melast. bras.: t. 6, fig. 2 (1828) [G. Galli]
44137316 508963 Hernandia nymphaeifolia species (J. Presl) Kubitzki [-1]
F.M. Bailey, Compr. Cat. Queensland Pl.: t. 13 (1913) [E. Rowan]