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from Grewia, genus (Tiliaceae), and L. folium, leaf: leaves resembling those of Grewia

There were 9 illustrations found for epithet grewiifolius,-a,-um

366936 437727 Ficus grewiifolia Blume
F.A.W. Miquel, Fl. Ned. Ind., vol. 1(2): : t. 20 (1859) [Q.M.R. VerHuell]
486686 1030236 Trichospermum mexicanum (DC.) Baillon [125 480598 Grewia mexicana DC.]
Hist. Phys. Cuba, Atl., vol. 12 : t. 21 (1850) [A.C. Vauthier]
2767612 208050 Casearia grewiifolia Vent.
S.H. Koorders, T. Valeton, Atlas Baumart. Java, vol. 2 : t. 342 (1914) [M. Mangoendimedjo]
2767622 208050 Casearia grewiifolia Vent.
S.H. Koorders, T. Valeton, Atlas Baumart. Java, vol. 2 : t. 343 (1914) [M. Mangoendimedjo]
1439262 512950 Hibiscus grewiifolius Hassk.
S.H. Koorders, T. Valeton, Atlas Baumart. Java, vol. 3 : t. 436 (1915) [M. Mangoendimedjo & M. Joedo]
1481972 852436 Pterospermum grewiifolium Pierre
J.B.L. Pierre, Fl. Forest. Cochinch., vol. 2 : t. 181 (1839)
2322002 208050 Casearia grewiifolia Vent.
Fl. Males., vol. 5 : p. 94, fig. 36 (1955-1958) [R. van Crevel]
2918202 208050 Casearia grewiifolia Vent.
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 219, fig. 3 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]
3038236 437727 Ficus grewiifolia Blume
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