Cupressus lusitanica Miller [ Cupressus excelsa J.Scott ex Carrière]
Forbes, J., Pinetum woburnense or a catalogue of coniferous plants in the collection of Duke of Bedford (1839)
Pinet. Woburn.

t. 64
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Cupressus lusitanica Miller

name cited:
Cupressus excelsa J.Scott ex Carrière
name recognized:
Cupressus lusitanica Miller
drawing: E.S. Weddell
family: Cupressaceae
epithet cited: excelsus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: lusitanicus,-a,-um

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heterotypic synonyms:
Callitropsis lusitanica (Miller) D.P.Little; Cupressus coulteri J.Forbes; Cupressus excelsa J.Scott ex Carrière; Cupressus glauca Lam.; Cupressus karwinskiana Regel; Cupressus lindleyi Klotzsch ex Endl.; Cupressus mexicana K.Koch; Cupressus pendula L’Hérit.; Cupressus sinensis J.Lee ex Gord.; Cupressus thurifera Lindl.; Cupressus uhdeana Gordon ex Carrière; Juniperus uhdeana Gordon;
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