Boerhavia repens L.
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Boerhavia repens L.

name cited:
Boerhavia repens L.
name recognized:
Boerhavia repens L.
drawing: Q.M.R. VerHuell
family: Nyctaginaceae
epithet: repens

link_details: details
Illustration contributed by:
Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leyden, The Netherlands
link to this page:
contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia repens var. diffusa (L.) Hook.f.; Boerhavia repens subsp. diandra (L.) Maire & Weiller;
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia angustifolia Span.; Boerhavia ascendens Schum.; Boerhavia bicolor Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia cortensis Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia eglandulosa Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia hirsuta Willd.; Boerhavia insularis Bojer; Boerhavia maroccana Ball; Boerhavia minutiflora Span.; Boerhavia periplocifolia Sieber ex Choisy; Boerhavia polymorpha Rich.; Boerhavia pubescens R. Br.; Boerhavia rupestris Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia sessiliflora Steudel; Boerhavia suberosa C.Sm.; Boerhavia sumata Zipp. ex Span.; Boerhavia surinamensis Miq.; Boerhavia tomentosa Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia undulata Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia viscosa Fresen.;