Crepidomanes birmanicum species (Beddome) K. Iwats. [ Trichomanes kalamocarpum species Hayata]
Hayata, B., Icones plantarum formosanarum (1911-1921)
Icon. Pl. Formos.

vol. 5 (1915)
p. 260 f. 93
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Crepidomanes birmanicum species (Beddome) K. Iwats.

name cited:
Trichomanes kalamocarpum species Hayata
name recognized:
Crepidomanes birmanicum species (Beddome) K. Iwats.
name recognized (basionym):
Crepidomanes birmanicum species (Beddome) K. Iwats.
family: Hymenophyllaceae
subfamily: Hymenophylloideae
epithet cited: kalamocarpus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: birmanicus,-a,-um

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University of California Libraries, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Trichomanes birmanicum Beddome; Vandenboschia birmanica (Beddome) Ching;
heterotypic synonyms:
Lacosteopsis orientalis (C. Chr.) Nakaike; Trichomanes japonicum Franch. & Sav.; Trichomanes kalamocarpum Hayata; Trichomanes neilgherrense Beddome; Trichomanes orientale C. Chr.; Trichomanes parvum Copel.; Trichomanes quelpaertense Nakai; Trichomanes stenosiphon H. Christ; Vandenboschia parva (Copel.) Copel.; Vandenboschia stenosiphon (H. Christ) Copel.;
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