Corallorhiza trifida Châtel. [ Corallorhiza innata R. Br.]
Atlas de la flore alpine. Publié par le Club alpin allemand et autrichien
Atlas Fl. Alpine

vol. 5 (1899)
t. 437
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Corallorhiza trifida Châtel.

name cited:
Corallorhiza innata R. Br.
name recognized:
Corallorhiza trifida Châtel.
family: Orchidaceae
subfamily: Epidendroideae
tribe: Maxillarieae
subtribe: Corallorhizinae
epithet cited: innatus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: trifidus,-a,-um

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University of California Libraries, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Corallorhiza anandae Malhotra & Balodi; Corallorhiza corallorhiza (L.) Karsten; Corallorhiza corallorhiza (L.) MacMill.; Corallorhiza dentata Host; Corallorhiza ericetorum Drejer; Corallorhiza halleri Rich.; Corallorhiza innata R. Br.; Corallorhiza intacta Cham. & Schltdl.; Corallorhiza integra Châtel.; Corallorhiza jacquemontii Decne.; Corallorhiza nemoralis Sw. ex Nyman; Corallorhiza neottia Scop.; Corallorhiza occidentalis Bach.Pyl.; Corallorhiza verna Nutt.; Corallorhiza virescens Drejer; Corallorhiza wyomingensis Hellm. & K.Hellm.; Cymbidium corallorhiza (L.) Sw.; Epidendrum corallorhizon (L.) Poiret; Epipactis corallorhiza (L.) Crantz; Helleborine corallorhiza (L.) F.W.Schmidt; Neottia corallorhiza (L.) Kuntze; Ophrys corallorhiza L.;