Shortia soldanelloides Makino
Iwasaki, T., Honzo zufu (1916-1921)
Honzo zufu

vol. 14 (1830-1844)
f. right 2
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Shortia soldanelloides Makino

name cited:
Shortia soldanelloides Makino
name recognized:
Shortia soldanelloides Makino
family: Diapensiaceae
epithet: soldanelloides

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Illustration contributed by:
The Library of Congress, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Schizocodon soldanelloides Siebold & Zucc.;
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44 943862 Shortia soldanelloides Makino
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 14(): (2): , fig. right 2 (1830-1844)