Celosia argentea L.
Collection des vélins du Muséum national d’histoire naturelle
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris

vol. 16
t. 29
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Celosia argentea L.

name cited:
Celosia argentea L.
name recognized:
Celosia argentea L.
drawing: unsigned
family: Amaranthaceae
subfamily: Amaranthoideae
tribe: Celosieae
epithet: argenteus,-a,-um

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homotypic synonyms:
Celosia argentea var. cristata (L.) Kuntze; Celosia argentea f. cristata (L.) Schinz; Celosia argentea var. cristata (L.) Voss;
heterotypic synonyms:
Amaranthus cristatus Noronha; Amaranthus huttonii H.J.Veitch; Amaranthus purpureus Nieuwl.; Amaranthus pyramidalis Noronha; Amaranthus thyrsoideus Desf.; Celosia aurea T.Moore; Celosia castrensis L.; Celosia cernua Roxb.; Celosia coccinea L.; Celosia comosa Retz.; Celosia cristata L.; Celosia debilis S.Moore; Celosia huttonii Mast.; Celosia japonica Houtt.; Celosia japonica Mart.; Celosia linearis Sweet ex Hook.f.; Celosia margaritacea L.; Celosia marylandica Retz.; Celosia pallida Salisb.; Celosia plumosa (Voss) Burv.; Celosia purpurea A.St.-Hil. ex Steudel; Celosia purpurea J.St.-Hil.; Celosia pyramidalis Burm.f.; Celosia splendens Schum. & Thonn.; Celosia swinhoei Hemsley; Chamissoa margaritacea (L.) Schouw;
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