Gentianella amarella (L.) Harry Sm. [ Gentiana axillaris Poiret ex Lam.]
Anonymous, Plantarum Malabaricum icones / Icones Plantarum Malabaricarum, adscriptis nominibus et viribus (1694-1710)
Pl. Malab. Icon.

vol. 2
t. 150
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Gentianella amarella (L.) Harry Sm.

name cited:
Gentiana axillaris Poiret ex Lam.
name recognized:
Gentianella amarella (L.) Harry Sm.
name recognized (basionym):
Gentiana amarella L.
family: Gentianaceae
subfamily: Gentianoideae
tribe: Gentianeae
subtribe: Gentianinae
epithet cited: axillaris,-is,-e

epithet recognized: amarellus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Leiden University Libraries, Leyden, The Netherlands
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homotypic synonyms:
Gentiana amarella L.; Gentianella amarella (L.) Börner;
heterotypic synonyms:
Amarella californica Greene; Amarella conferta Greene; Amarella copelandii (Greene) Greene; Amarella distegia (Greene) Greene; Amarella gracilis Raf.; Amarella lembertii Greene; Amarella plebeja (Cham.) Greene; Amarella quinquefida Gilib.; Amarella revoluta Greene; Amarella scopulorum Greene; Amarella strictiflora (A.Nelson) Greene; Amarella tenuis (Griseb.) Greene; Ericala acuta G. Don; Ericala flava G. Don; Gentiana aggregata Bunge ex Griseb.; Gentiana ajanensis Murb.; Gentiana alticola R.C.Foster; Gentiana arbelaezii Cuatrec.; Gentiana autumnalis Preyer & Zirk. ex Bab.; Gentiana axillaris Poiret ex Lam.; Gentiana axillaris Rchb.; Gentiana californica Kusn.; Gentiana campanulata Reyn. ex Griseb.; Gentiana campestris Geners.; Gentiana conferta Fischer ex Sweet; Gentiana connectens Pollard; Gentiana copelandii Greene; Gentiana crispata Vis.; Gentiana distegia Greene; Gentiana eximia Eastw.; Gentiana flava J.Mayer ex Schultes; Gentiana flavescens Schur; Gentiana gracilis Cham. & Schltdl.; Gentiana gracilis Nees; Gentiana hybrida Raf.; Gentiana labradorica Wilkie; Gentiana laevicalyx (Rohlena) Rohlena; Gentiana lancifolia Rafn; Gentiana liburnica (E.Mayer & Kunz) Greuter; Gentiana lingulata C.Agardh; Gentiana nigrescens Schur; Gentiana obtusifolia Fr.; Gentiana plebeja Cham.; Gentiana polyantha A.Nelson; Gentiana pratensis Froel.; Gentiana pulchella Salisb.; Gentiana purpurea Walter; Gentiana pyramidalis Willd. ex Griseb.; Gentiana remota Greene; Gentiana scopulorum (Greene) Tidestr.; Gentiana seminuda Rusby; Gentiana stricta Howell; Gentiana strictiflora A.Nelson; Gentiana sylvestris Bray ex Griseb.; Gentiana tatei Rusby; Gentiana tenuiflora Jan ex Nyman; Gentiana tenuis Griseb.; Gentiana tetragona J.Mayer; Gentiana tetramera (Rouy) Rouy ex D.Prain; Gentianella axillaris (F.W.Schmidt) Á.Löve & D.Löve; Gentianella hispanica López Udias, Fabregat & Renob.; Gentianella lingulata (C.Agardh) N.M.Pritch.; Hippion axillare F.W.Schmidt; Hippion gentianella F.W.Schmidt; Pneumonanthe gracilis Raf.; Pneumonanthe remota (Greene) Greene;
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