Piper aduncum L.
Little,, E.L., Wadsworth, F.H., Common trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Common Trees Puerto Rico & Virgin Isl.

t. 12
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Piper aduncum L.

name cited:
Piper aduncum L.
name recognized:
Piper aduncum L.
family: Piperaceae
epithet: aduncus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
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homotypic synonyms:
Artanthe adunca (L.) Miq.; Steffensia adunca (L.) Kunth;
heterotypic synonyms:
Artanthe cearensis Miq.; Artanthe celtidifolia (Kunth) Miq.; Artanthe elongata (Vahl) Miq.; Artanthe galeottii Miq.; Artanthe galleoti Miq.; Artanthe granulosa Miq.; Artanthe velloziana Miq.; Piper aduncifolium Trel.; Piper anguillaespicum Trel.; Piper angustifolium Ruiz & Pavon; Piper cardenasii Trel.; Piper celtidifolium Kunth; Piper cuatrecasasii Trel.; Piper cumbricola Trel.; Piper disparispicum Trel.; Piper elongatifolium Trel.; Piper elongatum Vahl; Piper fatoanum C. DC.; Piper flavescens (C. DC.) Trel.; Piper guanaianum C. DC.; Piper herzogii C. DC.; Piper illudens Trel.; Piper kuntzei C. DC.; Piper multinervium M. Martens & Galeotti; Piper multinervium Trel.; Piper nonconformans Trel.; Piper purpurascens D. Dietr.; Piper reciprocum Trel.; Piper stevensonii Trel. & Standl.; Piper submolle Trel.; Steffensia angustifolia Kunth; Steffensia celtidifolia (Kunth) Kunth; Steffensia elongata (Vahl) Kunth;
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2 795547 Piper aduncum L.
E.L. Little,, F.H. Wadsworth, Common Trees Puerto Rico & Virgin Isl.: t. 12 (1964)