Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (1914-2013)
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.

vol. 45 (1958)
t. 46 p. 148
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Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz

name cited:
Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz
name cited (basionym):
Gaura fruticosa Loefl.
name recognized:
Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Stuntz
name recognized (basionym):
Gaura fruticosa Loefl.
drawing: E.M.S.
family: Combretaceae
epithet: fruticosus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A.
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Combretum fruticosum (Loefl.) Fawc. & Rendle; Gaura fruticosa Loefl.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Combretum aurantiacum Benth.; Combretum benthamianum Van Heurck & Muell. Arg.; Combretum formosum G. Don; Combretum gloriosum Rusby; Combretum lepidopetalum Pittier; Combretum lindbergii Eichler ex Rusby; Combretum loeflingii Eichler; Combretum micropetalum DC.; Combretum multidiscum Rusby; Combretum occidentale L.; Combretum oxypetalum G. Don; Combretum phaenopetalum (J.D.Sm.) Pittier; Combretum secundum Jacq.; Combretum secundum Sessé & Moc.; Combretum superbum Pittier; Combretum tetragonum C. Presl; Combretum tetragonum C. Presl; Combretum trinitense Britton; Combretum warszewiczianum Eichler; Gaura laxa Loefl.;