Aloe ferox Miller
Munting, A., Naauwkeurige beschrijving der aardgewassen (1696)
Naauwk. Beschr. Aardgewassen

vol. 1 (1696)
t. 95 p. 314
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Aloe ferox Miller

binominal name:
Aloe ferox Miller
name recognized:
Aloe ferox Miller
cited non-linnean name:
Aloe ferox

family: Liliaceae
subfamily: Asphodeloideae
epithet: ferox

Illustration contributed by:
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library, Williamstown, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Aloe candelabrum A. Berger; Aloe galpinii Baker; Aloe horrida Haw.; Aloe muricata Haw.; Aloe pallancae Guillaumin; Aloe pseudoferox Salm-Dyck; Aloe subferox Sprengel; Aloe supralaevis Haw.;
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2 44052 Aloe ferox Miller
A. Munting, Naauwk. Beschr. Aardgewassen, vol. 1 : p. 314, t. 95 (1696)