Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
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ID illustration 140702
ID publication 1516
ID volume 3960
code scanning institute SFCAIL
scanning institute Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library, Williamstown, U.S.A.
URL volume
ID species cited 44894
species cited Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
ID basionym cited 44549
basionym cited Aloe perfoliata var. vera L.
ID species recognized 44894
species recognized Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.
ID basionym recognized 44549
basionym recognized Aloe perfoliata var. vera L.
ID genus cited 10373
genus cited Aloe
ID genus recognized 10373
genus recognized Aloe
Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. [55]
  Liliaceae - Asphodeloideae -
vernacular names
Aloe L. [974]
A. Munting, Naauwk. Beschr. Aardgewassen, vol. 1 : p. 314, t. 96 (1696) [196]
epithet recognized species: verus,-a,-um [164]
epithet cited species: verus,-a,-um [164]
Illustration contributed by: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library, Williamstown, U.S.A.
1 44894 Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. [181 44549 Aloe perfoliata var. vera L.] Liliaceae
A. Munting, Naauwk. Beschr. Aardgewassen, vol. 1 : p. 314, t. 96 (1696)