Lonicera ciliata Muhl.
Torrey, J., flora of the state of New York (handcoloured) (1843)
Fl. New York [coloured version]

vol. 1 (1843)
t. 42
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Lonicera ciliata Muhl.

name cited:
Lonicera ciliata Muhl.
name recognized:
Lonicera ciliata Muhl.
drawing: unsigned
family: Caprifoliaceae
subfamily: Caprifolioideae
tribe: Lonicereae
epithet: ciliatus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
New York State Library, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Vitis-idaea alba Moench;
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1 1273334 Lonicera ciliata Muhl.
J. Torrey, Fl. New York [coloured version], vol. 1 : t. 42 (1843) [unsigned]