Echeveria teretifolia Sessé & Moc. ex DC.

vol. 2
t. 6 f. A

Echeveria teretifolia Sessé & Moc. ex DC.

name cited:
Echeveria teretifolia Sessé & Moc. ex DC.
name recognized:
Echeveria teretifolia Sessé & Moc. ex DC.
drawing: Node-Veran
engraving/lithography: F. Plée fils

M. Sessé, M. Mociño, Draw. Roy. Exped. New Spain: [Hunt instutute, Turner collection no. 1919] (1787-1803)

family: Crassulaceae
epithet: teretifolius,-a,-um

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heterotypic synonyms:
Cotyledon subulifolia Baker; Cotyledon teretifolia Sessé & Moc.; Echeveria subulifolia (Baker) E.Morren; Sedum teretifolium Mocino and Sesse;
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1 368591 Echeveria teretifolia Sessé & Moc. ex DC.
Collection de mémoires, vol. 2 (Crassulacées): t. 6, fig. A () [Node-Veran]