Piper hispidum Sw. [ Piper scabrum Ruiz & Pavon]
Ruiz, H., Pavón, J., Original drawings of the Royal Botanical Expedition to the Viceroyalty of Peru (1777-1816)
Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru

t. 132 [55] f. 2
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Piper hispidum Sw.

name cited:
Piper scabrum Ruiz & Pavon
name recognized:
Piper hispidum Sw.
drawing: I. Galvez
family: Piperaceae
epithet cited: scaber, scabra, scabrum

epithet recognized: hispidus,-a,-um

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Illustration contributed by:
Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, Spain
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heterotypic synonyms:
Artanthe aspera Miq.; Artanthe asperifolia Miq.; Artanthe asperiuscula (Kunth) Miq.; Artanthe controversa Miq.; Artanthe hirsuta (Sw.) Miq.; Artanthe kunthiana Miq.; Artanthe olfersiana (Kunth) Miq.; Artanthe olfersiana Klotzsch; Artanthe opizii Miq.; Artanthe scabra Miq.; Piper adornatispicum Trel.; Piper albuginiferum Trel.; Piper alluvicola C. DC.; Piper apertum Trel.; Piper aquacalientis Trel.; Piper argentamentum Trel. & Yunck.; Piper articulosum Trel.; Piper aspericaule Trel.; Piper asperifolium Rich.; Piper asperifolium Ruiz & Pavon; Piper baculiferum Trel.; Piper bayamonanum Trel.; Piper carminis Trel.; Piper cataractarum Trel.; Piper caudatifolium Trel.; Piper chanekii Trel.; Piper coronatibracteum Trel.; Piper curridabatanum Trel.; Piper fraguanum Trel.; Piper fusco-bracteatum Trel.; Piper genuflexum Trel.; Piper gonagricum Trel.; Piper hirsutum Sw.; Piper hispidiseptum Trel.; Piper humoense Trel.; Piper imperspicuibracteum Trel.; Piper inhorrescens Trel.; Piper konkintoense Trel.; Piper lanatibracteum Trel.; Piper lancetillanum Trel.; Piper lanosibracteum Trel.; Piper maestranum Trel.; Piper meritum Trel.; Piper nonretrorsum Trel.; Piper obsessum Trel.; Piper patulipilum Yunck.; Piper pejivallense Trel.; Piper pergeniculatum Trel.; Piper perspicuibracteum Trel.; Piper phaeophyllum Trel. & Standl.; Piper phanerolepidum Trel.; Piper prodigum Trel.; Piper pullibracteatum Trel.; Piper punctiunculatum Trel.; Piper revi-vetusti Trel.; Piper rivialbi Trel. & Yunck.; Piper roseovenulosum Trel.; Piper sabanillanum Trel.; Piper scabriseptum Trel.; Piper scabrum Sw.; Piper scalpens Trel.; Piper sepicola C. DC.; Piper speratum Trel.; Piper subasperatum Trel.; Piper sumideranum Trel.; Piper tenuiculispicum Trel. ex Yunck.; Piper torresanum Trel.; Piper trachydermum Trel.; Piper trichophlebium Trel.; Piper valetudinari Trel.; Piper williamsii Trel.; Piper yoroanum Trel.; Steffensia asperifolia (Rich.) Kunth; Steffensia hirsuta (Sw.) Kunth; Steffensia olfersiana Kunth;
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47 797115 Piper hispidum Sw.
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 132 [55], fig. 2 (1777) [I. Galvez]