Curcuma longa L. [ Curcuma domestica Valeton]
Naturalis Biodiversity Centre / Wikimedia commons

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Curcuma longa L.

name cited:
Curcuma domestica Valeton
name recognized:
Curcuma longa L.
family: Zingiberaceae
subfamily: Zingiberoideae
tribe: Hedychieae
epithet cited: domesticus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: longus,-a,-um

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Illustration contributed by:
Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leyden, The Netherlands
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heterotypic synonyms:
Amomum curcuma Jacq.; Curcuma brog Valeton; Curcuma domestica Valeton; Curcuma euchroma Valeton; Curcuma ochrorhiza Valeton; Curcuma soloensis Valeton; Curcuma tinctoria Guibourt;
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