Aesculus pavia L. [ Aesculus discolor Pursh]
Gray, A., Plates prepared between the years 1849 and 1859, to accompany a report on the forest trees of North America (1891)
Pl. Forest Trees N. Amer.

t. 30
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Aesculus pavia L.

name cited:
Aesculus discolor Pursh
name recognized:
Aesculus pavia L.
drawing: I. Sprague
family: Hippocastanaceae
epithet cited: discolor

epithet recognized:

Illustration contributed by:
Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Pavia pavia (L.) Huth;
heterotypic synonyms:
Aesculus austrina Small; Aesculus discolor Pursh; Aesculus humilis Lindl.; Aesculus lyonii Loudon; Aesculus mollis Raf. ex Sarg.; Aesculus pubescens Starcs; Aesculus rubescens Tausch; Aesculus rubra Pers.; Aesculus splendens Sarg.; Aesculus versicolor Wender.; Aesculus whitleyi K. Koch; Pavia humilis G. Don; Pavia michauxii Spach;
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