Erythrina livingstoniana Baker
Sim, T.R., Forest flora and forest resourses of Portugese East Africa (1909)
Forest Fl. Port. E. Afr.

t. 48
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Erythrina livingstoniana Baker

name cited:
Erythrina livingstoniana Baker
name recognized:
Erythrina livingstoniana Baker
drawing: T.R. Sim
family: Papilionaceae
tribe: Erythrineae
epithet: livingstonianus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Corallodendron livingstonianum (Baker) Kuntze;
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2 407253 Erythrina livingstoniana Baker
T.R. Sim, Forest Fl. Port. E. Afr.: t. 48 (1909)