Piper tuberculatum Jacq.
Standley, P.C., Steyermark, J.A., Flora of Guatemala [Fieldiana no. 24] (1946-1977)
Fl. Guatemala

vol. 3
p. 330 f. 45
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Piper tuberculatum Jacq.

name cited:
Piper tuberculatum Jacq.
name recognized:
Piper tuberculatum Jacq.
family: Piperaceae
epithet: tuberculatus,-a,-um

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University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Artanthe tuberculata (Jacq.) Miq.; Steffensia tuberculata (Jacq.) Kunth;
heterotypic synonyms:
Artanthe decurrens Miq.; Piper ellipticum Hook. & Arn.; Piper macrourum Kunth; Piper nutans Opiz; Piper obliquum Balb. ex Kunth; Piper scabrum Willd. ex Kunth; Piper yurimaguasanum Trel.;
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2 799396 Piper tuberculatum Jacq.
P.C. Standley, J.A. Steyermark, Fl. Guatemala, vol. 3 : p. 330, fig. 45 (1946-1977)