Stenandrium guineense (Nees) Vollesen [ Crossandra elatior S.Moore]
Talbot, Watercolor Drawings and Pencil Sketches of Nigerian Plants 1909-1912, Talbot collection (1909-1912)


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Stenandrium guineense (Nees) Vollesen

name cited:
Crossandra elatior S.Moore
name recognized:
Stenandrium guineense (Nees) Vollesen
name recognized (basionym):
Crossandra guineensis Nees
family: Acanthaceae
subfamily: Acanthoideae
epithet cited: elatior

epithet recognized: guineensis,-is,-e

link_details: details
Illustration contributed by:
New York Botanical Garden, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Crossandra guineensis Nees; Stenandriopsis guineensis (Nees) Benoist;
heterotypic synonyms:
Crossandra elatior S.Moore;
no full size  illustration available (3a)