Glottiphyllum linguiforme (L.) N.E. Br. [ Mesembryanthemum linguiforme L.]
Unpublished drawings (The Morgan library and museum)

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Glottiphyllum linguiforme (L.) N.E. Br.

binominal name:
Mesembryanthemum linguiforme L.
name recognized:
Glottiphyllum linguiforme (L.) N.E. Br.
name recognized (basionym):
Mesembryanthemum linguiforme L.
cited non-linnean name:
Mesembryanthemum acaule foliis linguiformibus altero margine crassioribus impunctatis

drawing: G.D. Ehret
family: Aizoaceae
subfamily: Mesembyranthemoideae
epithet: linguiformis,-is,-e

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homotypic synonyms:
Mesembryanthemum linguiforme L.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Glottiphyllum cilliersiae Schwantes; Glottiphyllum latifolium N.E. Br.; Glottiphyllum ryderae Schwantes; Mesembryanthemum scalpratum Haw.;
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Glottiphyllum linguiforme (L.) N.E. Br. [Mesembryanthemum acaule foliis linguiformibus altero margine crassioribus impunctatis]
Unpublished drawings (The Morgan library and museum): (1762) [G.D. Ehret]