Ficus religiosa L.
Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta (1888-1921)
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta)

vol. 1 (1888)
t. 67 (1888)
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Ficus religiosa L.

name cited:
Ficus religiosa L.
name recognized:
Ficus religiosa L.
drawing: G.C. Das
family: Moraceae
subfamily: Moroideae
tribe: Ficeae
epithet: religiosus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A.
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homotypic synonyms:
Urostigma religiosum (L.) Gasp.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Ficus caudata Stokes; Ficus peepul Griff.; Ficus rhynchophylla Steudel; Ficus superstitiosa Link;
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1 439125 Ficus religiosa L.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 1 : t. 67 (1888) [G.C. Das]