Dendrophylax funalis
Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Benth. ex Rolfe
ID recognized genus:
recognized genus:
Dendrophylax Rchb.f.
ID species:
329934 | wfo-0000941721 |
ID basionym:
published in:
ID publication:
ID volume:

homotypic synonyms:
Aeranthes funalis (Sw.) Rchb.f.; Angraecum funale (Sw.) Lindl.; Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Fawc.; Epidendrum funale Sw.; Limodorum funale (Sw.) Sw.; Oeceoclades funalis (Sw.) Lindl.; Polyrrhiza funalis (Sw.) Pfitzer; Trichocentrum funale (Sw.) Lindl.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Angorchis funalis (Sw.) Kuntze; Dendrophylax funalis Benth. & Hook.f.;

protologue: Gard. Chron., ser. 3 4: 533 (1888)

3301421 329934 Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Benth. ex Rolfe [181 386314 Epidendrum funale Sw.]
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 111, fig. 2 () [M. North]
3912786 329934 Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Benth. ex Rolfe [125 386314 Epidendrum funale Sw.]
Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal., vol. 6 : t. 5, fig. 4a (1799) [O. Swartz]
7176 329934 Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Benth. ex Rolfe [125 386314 Epidendrum funale Sw.]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 73 [ser. 3, vol. 3]: t. 4295 (1847) [W.H. Fitch]
1601416 329934 Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Benth. ex Rolfe [125 386314 Epidendrum funale Sw.]
Monogr. Trochilidae, vol. 1 : t. 18 (1861) [J. Gould & H.C. Richter]
1600586 329934 Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Benth. ex Rolfe [125 386314 Epidendrum funale Sw.]
E. Mulsant, E. Verreaux, Histoire naturelle des oiseaux-mouches (Suppl. plates ): t. 11] (1877)
3141606 329934 Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Benth. ex Rolfe [125 386314 Epidendrum funale Sw.]
O.C.E.M.G. de Kerchove de Denterghem, Livre Orchid.: p. 45, fig. H (1894)
3626405 329934 Dendrophylax funalis (Sw.) Benth. ex Rolfe [116 386314 Epidendrum funale Sw.]
W. Fawcett, A.B. Rendle, Fl. Jamaica, vol. 1 : t. 32 (1910) [H.A. Wood]

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