Pinus mugo
Pinus mugo Turra
English: Dwarf Mountain-pine
ID recognized genus:
recognized genus:
Pinus L.
ID species:
794783 | wfo-0000481789 | 677083-1
ID basionym:
published in:
ID publication:

heterotypic synonyms:
Pinus applanata (Booth ex Loudon) Willk.; Pinus carpathicus auct.; Pinus digenea Wettst.; Pinus echinata Carrière; Pinus fischeri Booth ex P.Laws.; Pinus magellensis Schouw; Pinus montana Miller; Pinus mugho Laichard.; Pinus mughus Scop.; Pinus pumilio (Haenke in Jirazek et al) Franco; Pinus pumilio Haenke; Pinus rostrata K. Koch; Pinus rubriflora Loudon ex Gordon; Pinus squamosa Bosc ex Loudon; Pinus sudeticus auct.; Pinus wettsteinii Fritsch;

protologue: Giorn. Italia Sci. Nat. 1: 152 (1764)

3569592 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
P.A. Mattioli, New Kreüterbuch (Mattioli): p. 24, fig. C,D (1563)
4377172 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 6844MPM.HB.06844 (1553-1601)
3775652 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
M. de Lobel, Pl. Strip. Icon., vol. 2 : p. 227, fig. 2 (1581)
4390135 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5260MPM.HB.05260 (1553-1601)
2375365 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 1 fasicle 1, : p. 32, fig. 2 (1601)
1408582 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 813, fig. b (1745) [unsigned]
1268122 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 813, fig. a (1745) [unsigned]
47091012 794783 Pinus mugo Turra [80 795171 Pinus sanguinea Lapeyr.]
Fig. Fl. Pyrénées, inedit.: t. 192 ()
2316765 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
F. de Paula Adam von Waldstein, P. Kitaibel, Descr. Icon. Pl. Hung., vol. 2 : t. 149 (1803) [J. Schütz]
481875 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
F.L. Krebs, Vollst. Beschr. Holzart.: t. 55 (1826-1835)
4780145 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
A.B. Lambert, Descr. Pinus, ed. 3, vol. 1 (ed. 3 (minor)): t. 2 (1832)
3976565 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, F.KL. Spenner, A. Putterlick, J.X.R. Caspary, Gen. Fl. Germ., vol. 1 (Dicotyledones 1, Monochlamidae): , fig. 8-24 (1835)
4780945 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
J. Forbes, Pinet. Woburn.: t. 1 (1839) [E.S. Weddell]
4780955 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
J. Forbes, Pinet. Woburn.: t. 2 (1839) [E.S. Weddell]
1589715 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
J. Seboth, F. Graf, Alpenpfl., vol. 2 : t. 85 (1839)
480275 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
F., Jr. Antoine, Coniferen: p. 14, t. 3, fig. I (1840-1841) [F. Antoine]
4802812 794783 Pinus mugo Turra [80 795401 Pinus uncinata Ramond ex DC.]
F., Jr. Antoine, Coniferen: p. 12, t. 3, fig. III (1840-1841) [F. Antoine]
1942135 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
E.A. Rossmässler, Wald: p. 308, t. 40 (1881)
2678115 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
M. Laguna y Villanueva, P. de Avilla y Zumarán, Fl. Forest. Españ., ed. 2, vol. 1 : t. 7 (1884)
690625 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
A.B. Lambert, D. Don, Descr. Pinus, vol. 1 (47 unnumberd plates): t. 2 (1890) [Ferdinand Bauer]
21009262 794783 Pinus mugo Turra [-1]
P. Mouillefert, Traité Arbr. Arbriss.: t. 28bis (1892)
4172362 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 12, t. 89, fig. 8 (1895-1904)
1557145 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
W. Winkler, Sudetenflora: t. 47 (1900)
2110015 794783 Pinus mugo Turra
W. Dallimore, A. Bruce, Handb. Conif. (Dallimore): p. 418, fig. 92 (1923) [G. Lister]

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