Pithecellobium 牛蹄豆属
Pithecellobium Mart. [Mimosaceae-Ingeae]
25 trop. and subtrop. Am.; introd. As.

There were 109 accepted species found [distribution filter: global; grouped by species]

3292636 262811 Cojoba arborea (L.) Britton & Rose [125 671984 Mimosa arborea L.]
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 30 () [M. North]
1692636 262811 Cojoba arborea (L.) Britton & Rose [0]
A. Stahl, Estud. Fl. Puerto-Rico: (1883-1888) [A. Stahl]
1692646 262811 Cojoba arborea (L.) Britton & Rose [0]
A. Stahl, Estud. Fl. Puerto-Rico: (1883-1888) [A. Stahl]
2923666 262811 Cojoba arborea (L.) Britton & Rose [0]
E.L. Little,, F.H. Wadsworth, Common Trees Puerto Rico & Virgin Isl.: t. 67 (1964)

1 Cojoba arborea (L.) Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Mimosa arborea L.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Acacia arborea (L.) Willd.; Cojoba austrina (Standl. & L.O.Williams) L.Rico; Cojoba colombiana Britton & Killip; Cojoba guatemalensis Britton & Rose; Cojoba matudai (Lundell) L. Rico; Cojoba tonduzii Britton & Rose; Cojoba tuerckheimii Britton & Rose; Feuilleea filicifolia (Lam.) Kuntze; Mimosa filicifolia Lam.; Pithecellobium arboreum (L.) Urban; Pithecellobium austrinum Standl. & L.O. Williams; Pithecellobium filicifolium (Lam.) Benth.; Pithecellobium vulcanorum Standl. & Steyerm.; Pithecolobium arboreum (L.) Urban; Pithecolobium austrinum Standl. & L.O.Williams; Pithecolobium matudai Lundell; Pithecolobium tonduzii (Britton & Rose) Standl.; Pithecolobium tuerckheimii (Britton & Rose) Standl. & Stey; Pithecolobium vulcanorum Standl. & Steyerm.; Samanea arborea Ricker;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

2 Cojoba bahorucensis R.G.Garcia distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

3 Cojoba beckii Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

4 Cojoba catenata (Donn.Sm.) Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium catenatum Donn.Sm.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

5 Cojoba chazutensis (Standl.) L.Rico distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium chazutense Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

6 Cojoba costaricensis Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium costaricense (Britton & Rose) Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

7 Cojoba escuintlensis (Lundell) L. Rico distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium escuintlense Lundell;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
721336 262824 Cojoba filipes (Vent.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes [125 554383 Inga filipes Vent.]
E.P. Ventenat, Choix Pl.: t. 38 (1803) [Poiteau]

8 Cojoba filipes (Vent.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea filipes (Vent.) Kuntze; Inga filipes Vent.; Pithecellobium filipes (Vent.) Benth.; Samanea filipes (Vent.) Britton & Rose;
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium impressum Urban; Samanea valeuriana Alain;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

9 Cojoba graciliflora (S.F.Blake) Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium graciliflorum S.F.Blake;
heterotypic synonyms:
Cojoba donnell-smithii Britton & Rose; Pithecellobium donnell-smithii (Britton & Rose) Standl.; Pithecellobium gentlei Lundell; Pithecellobium plumosum Lundell; Pithecellobium schippii Lundell; Pithecolobium gentlei Lundell; Pithecolobium schippii Lundell;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4507862 262828 Cojoba haematoloba L.Rico
Kew Bull., vol. 46(): : p. 509, fig. 4A-E (1991) [E. Catherine]

10 Cojoba haematoloba L.Rico distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

11 Cojoba longipendula (Forero & A.H. Gentry) Forero & C. Romero distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4534392 262830 Cojoba mariaelenae L.Rico
Kew Bull., vol. 46(): : p. 509, fig. 4F-H (1991) [E. Catherine]

12 Cojoba mariaelenae L.Rico distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

13 Cojoba matudae (Lundell) L. Rico distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium matudae Lundell;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

14 Cojoba recordii Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium erythrocarpum Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
284296 262836 Cojoba rufescens (Benth.) Britton & Rose [125 554779 Inga rufescens Benth.]
B.C. Seemann, Bot. Voy. Herald: t. 23 (1857)
4534406 262836 Cojoba rufescens (Benth.) Britton & Rose [125 554779 Inga rufescens Benth.]
Kew Bull., vol. 46(): : p. 513, fig. 5E-H (1991) [E. Catherine]
4507876 262836 Cojoba rufescens (Benth.) Britton & Rose [125 554779 Inga rufescens Benth.]
Kew Bull., vol. 46(): : p. 513, fig. 5A-D (1991) [E. Catherine]

15 Cojoba rufescens (Benth.) Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Inga rufescens Benth.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Cojoba glabra Britton & Rose; Cojoba membranacea (Benth.) L.Rico; Cojoba tubulifera (Benth.) Britton; Cojoba undulatomarginata L.Rico; Cojoba whitefoordiae L.Rico; Feuilleea billbergiana (Benth.) Kuntze; Feuilleea globulifera (Benth.) Kuntze; Feuilleea membranacea (Benth.) Kuntze; Feuilleea rufescens (Benth.) Kuntze; Feuilleea tubulifera (Benth.) Kuntze; Inga billbergiana Benth.; Inga dariensis Seemann; Inga globulifera Benth.; Inga membranacea Benth.; Inga tubulifera Benth.; Pithecellobium davidsoniae Standl.; Pithecellobium glabrum (Britton & Rose) Standl.; Pithecellobium membranaceum (Benth.) Schery; Pithecellobium rufescens (Benth.) Pittier; Pithecellobium tubuliferum (Benth.) Pittier; Pithecolobium davidsoniae Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

16 Cojoba sophorocarpa (Benth. & Hook.f.) Britton & Ro distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea sophorocarpa (Benth. & Hook.f.) Kuntze; Pithecellobium sophorocarpum Benth. & Hook.f.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium angustifolium (Rusby) Rusby; Pithecellobium jinotegense Standl. & L.O.Williams;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

17 Cojoba tenella Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium tenellum (Britton & Rose) Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

18 Cojoba urbanii (Alain) R.G. García & Peguero distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Calliandra urbanii Alain;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

19 Cojoba valerioi Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Cojoba standleyi Britton & Rose; Pithecellobium standleyi (Britton & Rose) Standl.; Pithecellobium valerioi (Britton & Rose) Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

20 Cojoba zanonii (Barneby) Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Obolinga zanonii Barneby;
heterotypic synonyms:
Obolinga zanonii Zanoni; Pithecellobium micranthum Alain;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
320598 [80 802189 Pithecellobium pruinosum Benth.]
Naturalis: () [Q.M.R. VerHuell]
3665912 748893 Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen [80 801995 Pithecellobium junghuhnianum Benth.]
F.A.W. Miquel, Fl. Ned. Ind., vol. 1(1): : t. 1 (1855) [Q.M.R. VerHuell]
510858748893 Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen
Ellis Rowan, Flower & Bird paintings: , fig. 1 (1870-1921)
510618748893 Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen
Ellis Rowan, Flower & Bird paintings: , fig. 1 (1870-1921)
27645112 748893 Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen [80 801995 Pithecellobium junghuhnianum Benth.]
S.H. Koorders, T. Valeton, Atlas Baumart. Java, vol. 1 : t. 33 (1913) [M. Mangoendimedjo]
233188 [80 802189 Pithecellobium pruinosum Benth.]
Fl. Males., vol. 11(1): : p. 147, fig. 22 (1992) [K. Tind]
2913352 748893 Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen [80 802189 Pithecellobium pruinosum Benth.]
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 315, fig. 1 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]

21 Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium pruinosum Benth.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea pruinosa (Benth.) Kuntze;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

22 Pithecellobium albicaule Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
836772 801769 Pithecellobium bahamense Northr.
M. Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, ed. 2, vol. 2 : t. 97 (1754)
Pithecellobium bahamense Northr.
[Acacia foliis amplioribus siliquis circinatis]
M. Catesby, M. Houttuyn, Marc Catesby Original Watercoulors, vol. 2 : t. 97 (1772-1781)

23 Pithecellobium bahamense Northr. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

25 Pithecellobium bertolonii Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea bertolonii (Benth.) Kuntze;
heterotypic synonyms:
Mimosa monilifera Bertol.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

26 Pithecellobium bifoliolatum (author) Rusby distributionfilter: global
links:     WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4534412 801792 Pithecellobium bipinnatum L.Rico
Kew Bull., vol. 46(): : p. 517, fig. 6F-J (1991) [E. Catherine]

28 Pithecellobium bipinnatum L.Rico distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

29 Pithecellobium brevipes (Schumann) Mohlenbr. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Albizia brevipes (Schumann) F. Muell.; Archidendron brevipes (Schumann) Dewit; Hansemannia brevipes Schumann; Pithecellobium brevipes (Schumann) Mohlenbr.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

30 Pithecellobium brownii Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

31 Pithecellobium caesalpinioides Standl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Ebenopsis caesalpinioides (Standl.) Britton & Rose;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

33 Pithecellobium candidum (Kunth) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Inga candida Kunth;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4343395 801836 Pithecellobium circinale (L.) Benth. [116 672214 Mimosa circinalis L.]
C. Plumier, Mss., vol. 7 (Botanicon Americanum seu historia plantarum Americanis insulis nascentium): t. 68 (1689-1697) [C. Plumier]
4344325 801836 Pithecellobium circinale (L.) Benth. [116 672214 Mimosa circinalis L.]
C. Plumier, H. Boerhaave, J. Burman, , vol. 1 : t. 8 (1733)
4225795 801836 Pithecellobium circinale (L.) Benth. [116 672214 Mimosa circinalis L.]
C. Plumier, J. Burmann, Pl. Amer.: t. 5 (1755-1760)

34 Pithecellobium circinale (L.) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea circinalis (L.) Kuntze; Inga circinalis (L.) Willd.; Mimosa circinalis L.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Inga spinifolia Desv.; Pithecellobium spinifolium (Desv.) Benth.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

35 Pithecellobium cochliacarpum (Gomes) J.F. Macbr. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

37 Pithecellobium cordifolium Morong & Britton distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

38 Pithecellobium cynodonticum Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

39 Pithecellobium decandrum Ducke distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Albizia decandra (Ducke) Barneby & J.W. Grimes;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

40 Pithecellobium discolor Britton distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
143062 801886 Pithecellobium diversifolium Benth.
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 15(2): fasicle 70, (Leguminosae II et III, Swartzieae, Caesalpinieae, Mimoseae): t. 111 (1876)

41 Pithecellobium diversifolium Benth. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4283255 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [116 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
Fl. Dames Genève: t. 212 ()
4622435 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [116 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 488 (1780-1815)
4607125 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [116 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 488 (1780-1815)
1056892 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [80 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
J.C. Mutis, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Granada: t. 2787 (1783)
3400845 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [116 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
M. Sessé, M. Mociño, Draw. Roy. Exped. New Spain: [Hunt instutute, Turner collection no. 1089] (1787-1803)
613105 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [116 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Pl. Coromandel, vol. 1 : t. 99 (1795) [n.a.]
3068015 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [116 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 9 : t. 102 (1803) [J.S. Kerner]
1297175 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [116 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 1 : t. 198 (1846) [Rungia]
1663212 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [80 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
T.S. Ralph, Icon. Carpolog.: p. 2, t. 1, fig. 5 (1849) [T.S. Ralph]
1932232 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [80 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
R.H. Beddome, Fl. Sylv. S. India, vol. 1 : t. 188 (1869) [Govindoo]
62718Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. {80 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.}
M. Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, vol. 2 (Atlas): t. 237 (1875)
4818772 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [80 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 2(1): (Edible plants): t. 438 (1945)
2923672 801891 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. [80 672365 Mimosa dulcis Roxb.]
E.L. Little,, F.H. Wadsworth, Common Trees Puerto Rico & Virgin Isl.: t. 68 (1964)

43 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Albizia dulcis (Roxb.) F. Muell.; Feuilleea dulcis (Roxb.) Kuntze; Inga dulcis (Roxb.) Willd.; Mimosa dulcis Roxb.; Zygia dulcis (Roxb.) Lyons;
heterotypic synonyms:
Acacia obliquifolia M.Martens & Galeotti; Inga camatchili Perr.; Inga dulcis Mart.; Inga javana DC.; Inga javanica DC.; Inga leucantha C. Presl; Inga pungens Willd.; Mimosa edulis Gagnep.; Mimosa pungens (Willd.) Poiret; Mimosa unguis-cati Blanco; Mimosa unguis-cati Sessé & Moc.; Pithecellobium littorale Record;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

44 Pithecellobium elachistophyllum A. Gray ex S. Watson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2821572 801906 Pithecellobium excelsum (Kunth) Mart. [80 554349 Inga excelsa Kunth]
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 1628 [] (1777) [X. Cortés y Alcocer]
4158555 801906 Pithecellobium excelsum (Kunth) Mart. [116 554349 Inga excelsa Kunth]
K.S. Kunth, Mimoses (Kunth): t. 18 (1819-1824) [P.J.F. Turpin]

46 Pithecellobium excelsum (Kunth) Mart. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Inga excelsa Kunth;
heterotypic synonyms:
Inga candida Kunth;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

47 Pithecellobium filipes (Vent.) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Cojoba filipes (Vent.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes; Feuilleea filipes (Vent.) Kuntze; Inga filipes Vent.; Samanea filipes (Vent.) Britton & Rose;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

49 Pithecellobium furcatum Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea furcata (Benth.) Kuntze;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

51 Pithecellobium guaraniticum Chodat & Hassl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

53 Pithecellobium guatemalense (Record) Standl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Chloroleucon guatemalense Record;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

54 Pithecellobium gummiferum Mart. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Enterolobium gummiferum (Mart.) J.F.Macbr.; Feuilleea gummifera (Mart.) Kuntze;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

56 Pithecellobium hansemannii (F. Muell.) Mohlenbr. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Albizia hansemannii F. Muell.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
320976 801972 Pithecellobium histrix (A. Rich.) Benth. [125 554451 Inga histrix A. Rich.]
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 12 : t. 1168 (1876) [W.H. Fitch]

57 Pithecellobium histrix (A. Rich.) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Calliandra histrix (A. Rich.) Griseb.; Inga histrix A. Rich.; Pithecolobium histrix (A. Rich.) Benth.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Calliandra hystrix (A. Rich.) Griseb.; Feuilleea histrix (A.Rich.) Kuntze; Feuilleea hystrix (A.Rich.) Kuntze; Inga hystrix A. Rich.; Pithecellobium calliandriflorum Griseb.; Pithecellobium hystrix (A. Rich.) Benth.; Pithecolobium calliandriflorum Griseb.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
726716 801976 Pithecellobium hymenaeafolium (Willd.) Benth. [125 554458 Inga hymenaeaefolia Willd.]
M. Vahl, Eclog. Amer.: t. 26 (1796)

58 Pithecellobium hymenaeafolium (Willd.) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Inga hymenaeaefolia Willd.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Inga macrostachya DC.; Mimosa hymenaeifolia (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Poiret; Mimosa hymeneaefolia (Willd.) Poiret; Mimosa macrostachys Vahl; Pithecellobium hondurense Britton & Rose; Pithecellobium macrosiphon Standl.; Pithecellobium macrostachyum Benth.; Pithecellobium microstachyum Standl.; Pithecellobium panamense Walp. & Duchass.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

59 Pithecellobium insigne Micheli distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium calostachys Standl.;
links:     WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

60 Pithecellobium jiringa (Jack) Merr. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Inga jiringa Jack;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

61 Pithecellobium johansenii Standl. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium telense Britton & Rose;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
567755 802002 Pithecellobium keyense Coker
Addisonia, vol. 1 : t. 26 (1916) [F.W. Horne]

62 Pithecellobium keyense Coker distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Mimosa guadalupensis Pers.; Pithecellobium guadalupense Chapman; Zygia guadalupensis A.Heller;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

63 Pithecellobium laetum (Poeppig) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Inga laeta Poeppig; Klugiodendron laetum (Poeppig) Britton & Killip;
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium polycarpum Poeppig;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1056932 802011 Pithecellobium lanceolatum (Willd.) Benth. [80 554506 Inga lanceolata Willd.]
J.C. Mutis, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Granada: t. 2791 (1783)
576805 802011 Pithecellobium lanceolatum (Willd.) Benth. [116 554506 Inga lanceolata Willd.]
N.J. von Jacquin, Fragm. Bot.: t. 54 (1809)
587935 802011 Pithecellobium lanceolatum (Willd.) Benth. [116 554506 Inga lanceolata Willd.]
N.J. von Jacquin, Fragm. Bot.: t. 32 (1809)
588275 802011 Pithecellobium lanceolatum (Willd.) Benth. [116 554506 Inga lanceolata Willd.]
N.J. von Jacquin, Fragm. Bot.: t. 53 (1809)
4158525 802011 Pithecellobium lanceolatum (Willd.) Benth. [116 554506 Inga lanceolata Willd.]
K.S. Kunth, Mimoses (Kunth): t. 15 (1819-1824) [P.J.F. Turpin]

64 Pithecellobium lanceolatum (Willd.) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Inga lanceolata Willd.; Mimosa lanceolata (Willd.) Poiret;
heterotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea ligustrina (Jacq.) Kuntze; Inga ligustrina (Jacq.) Willd.; Mimosa lanceolata Jacq.; Mimosa ligustrina Jacq.; Pithecellobium insigne Micheli ex Donn. Sm.; Pithecellobium ligustrinum (Jacq.) Benth.; Pithecellobium winzerlingii Britton & Rose;
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65 Pithecellobium larensis Cardenas distributionfilter: global
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66 Pithecellobium lentiscifolium (A. Rich.) C. Wright ex Sauvalle distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

67 Pithecellobium leucosericeum A.R.Molina distributionfilter: global
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68 Pithecellobium longipendulum Forero & A.H.Gentry distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

70 Pithecellobium maestrense Urban distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Abarema maestrensis species (Urban) Bässler;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

71 Pithecellobium marthae (Britton & Killip) Niezgoda & Nevl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

72 Pithecellobium mataybifolium Sandwith distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Abarema mataybifolia species (Sandwith) Barneby & J.W. Grimes;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

76 Pithecellobium nicoyanum (Britton & Rose) Niezgoda & Nev distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Albizia nicoyana Britton & Rose;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

77 Pithecellobium obliquifoliolatum (De Wild.) Aubrév. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Albizia obliquifoliolata De Wild.; Arthrosamanea obliquifoliolata (De Wild.) G.C.C.Gilbert & Bout; Cathormion obliquifoliolatum (De Wild.) G.C.C.Gilbert & Bout; Pithecellobium obliquifoliolatum (De Wild.) J.Leonard;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

78 Pithecellobium oblongum Benth. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea oblonga (Benth.) Kuntze; Pithecellobium paniculatum Pittier; Pithecellobium pittieri Britton & Killip; Pithecellobium pulchellum Pittier;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

79 Pithecellobium obovale (A. Rich.) C. Wright ex Sauvalle distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Abarema obovalis species (A. Rich.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes; Feuilleea obovalis (A. Rich.) Kuntze; Inga obovalis A. Rich.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

80 Pithecellobium pachypus Pittier distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

81 Pithecellobium peckii S.F.Blake distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecolobium pistaciifolium Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
415853xx 802209 Pithecellobium roseum Spruce ex Benth. [80 554393 Inga forfex Kunth]
K.S. Kunth, Mimoses (Kunth): t. 16 (1819-1824) [P.J.F. Turpin]

84 Pithecellobium roseum Spruce ex Benth. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

86 Pithecellobium seleri Harms distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium saxosum Standl. & Steyerm.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

91 Pithecellobium tenue Craib distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Acacia tenue (Craib) Kosterm.; Thailentadopsis tenuis (Craib) Kosterm.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Acacia tenuis (W. G. Craib) Kosterm.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

92 Pithecellobium tonduzii (Britton & Rose) Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

93 Pithecellobium tuerckheimii (Britton & Rose) Standl. & Steyerm. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Cojoba tuerckheimii Britton & Rose; Pithecolobium tuerckheimii (Britton & Rose) Standl. & Stey;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2798235 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [116 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 54 : t. 25 () [P.J. Redouté]
3428641 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [181 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
N.L. Britton, F.W. Horne, Popular Fl. Puerto Rico: t. 450] () [F.W. Horne]
4343455 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [116 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
C. Plumier, Mss., vol. 7 (Botanicon Americanum seu historia plantarum Americanis insulis nascentium): t. 74 (1689-1697) [C. Plumier]
4225785 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [116 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
C. Plumier, J. Burmann, Pl. Amer.: t. 4 (1755-1760)
726706 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [125 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
M. Vahl, Eclog. Amer.: t. 25 (1796)
619035 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [116 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
N.J. von Jacquin, Pl. Hort. Schoenbr., vol. 3 : t. 392 (1798)
771545 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [116 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
M.E. Descourtilz, Fl. Méd. Antilles, vol. 1 : t. 11 (1821) [J.T. Descourtilz]
1692651 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [181 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
A. Stahl, Estud. Fl. Puerto-Rico: (1883-1888) [A. Stahl]
3434755 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [116 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
M. de Sessé y Lacasta, M. Mociño, Pl. Nov. Hisp.: t. 232 (1887)
638051 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [181 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
C.S. Sargent, Silva, vol. 3 : t. 145 (1899) [C.E. Faxon]
3627041 802310 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. [181 673497 Mimosa unguis-cati L.]
W. Fawcett, A.B. Rendle, Fl. Jamaica, vol. 4 : p. 147, fig. 45 (1920)

94 Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Benth. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Feuilleea unguis-cati (L.) Kuntze; Inga unguis-cati (L.) Willd.; Mimosa unguis-cati L.; Pithecellobium unguis-cati (L.) Mart.; Zygia unguis-cati (L.) Sudw.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Inga rosea Steudel; Mimosa rosea Vahl; Pithecellobium microphyllum Benth.;
links:     WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

95 Pithecellobium velutinum Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
406066802321 Pithecellobium vietnamense I.C.Nielsen
Adansonia, sér. 2, vol. 19(1): : p. 35, t. 2 (1979) [H. Lamourdedieu]

96 Pithecellobium vietnamense I.C.Nielsen distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

97 Chloroleucon acacioides (Ducke) Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium acacioides Ducke;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

98 Chloroleucon chacoense (Burkart) Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium chacoense Burkart;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

99 Chloroleucon dumosum (Benth.) G.P.Lewis distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium dumosum Benth.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Chloroleucon glazioui (Benth.) G.P.Lewis; Chloroleucon vinhatico (Record) Record; Feuilleea dumosa (Benth.) Kuntze; Feuilleea glazioui (Benth.) Kuntze; Pithecellobium glazioui Benth.; Pithecellobium vinhatico Record; Pithecolobium dumosum Benth.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

100 Chloroleucon eurycyclum Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

101 Chloroleucon extortum Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
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103 Chloroleucon guantanamense Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Chloroleucon baracoense Britton & Rose; Pithecellobium guantanamense Britton; Pithecolobium guantanamense Britton;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
20542412 1129876 Chloroleucon mangense (Jacq.) Britton & Rose [12 1129876 Chloroleucon mangense (Jacq.) Britton & Rose]
N.J. von Jacquin, Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist., ed. 1780-1781: p. 128, t. 262, fig. 70 (1780-1781) [N.J. Jacquin]
21292712 1129876 Chloroleucon mangense (Jacq.) Britton & Rose [12 1129876 Chloroleucon mangense (Jacq.) Britton & Rose]
N.J. von Jacquin, Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist., ed. 1780-1781 [BNC]: p. 128, t. 262, fig. 70 (1839)

104 Chloroleucon mangense (Jacq.) Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Cathormion mangense (Jacq.) Dugand; Cathormion mangensis (Jacq.) Dugand; Chloroleucon mangense var. mangense (Jacq.) Britton & Rose; Enterolobium mangense (Jacq.) Fawc. & Rendle; Feuilleea mangensis (Jacq.) Kuntze; Mimosa mangensis Jacq.; Pithecellobium mangense (Jacq.) J.F.Macbr.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Acacia micrantha Desv.; Acacia parvifolia (Sw.) Willd.;
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105 Chloroleucon tenuiflorum (Benth.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium tenuiflorum Benth.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Calliandra brachyandra Speg.; Feuilleea scalaris (Griseb.) Kuntze; Pithecellobium anajuliae Rizzini; Pithecellobium scalare Griseb.; Pithecolobium scalare Griseb.; Pithecolobium tenuiflorum Benth.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
143146 1129885 Chloroleucon tortum (Mart.) Pittier [125 802288 Pithecellobium tortum Mart.]
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 15(2): fasicle 70, (Leguminosae II et III, Swartzieae, Caesalpinieae, Mimoseae): t. 118 (1876)

106 Chloroleucon tortum (Mart.) Pittier distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium tortum Mart.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Cathormion tortum (Mart.) Pittier; Feuilleea tortum (Mart.) Kuntze; Pithecolobium tortum Mart.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

107 Ebenopsis caesalpinioides (Standl.) Britton & Rose distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium caesalpinioides Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

108 Ebenopsis confinis (Standl.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Pithecellobium confine Standl.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Havardia confinis (Standl.) Britton & Rose; Pithecolobium confine Standl.;
links:     WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
638076 1144780 Ebenopsis ebano (Berland.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes [125 672374 Mimosa ebano Berland.]
C.S. Sargent, Silva, vol. 3 : t. 147 (1899) [C.E. Faxon]

109 Ebenopsis ebano (Berland.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Chloroleucon ebano (Berland.) L.Rico; Mimosa ebano Berland.; Pithecellobium ebano (Berland.) C.H.Mull.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Acacia flexicaulis Benth.; Calliandra geniculata Benth.; Ebenopsis confinis (Standl.) Britton & Rose; Ebenopsis flexicaulis (Benth.) Britton & Rose; Pithecellobium flexicaule (Benth.) J.M.Coult.; Pithecellobium texense J.M.Coult.; Pithecolobium flexicaule (Benth.) J.M.Coult.; Pithecolobium texense J.M.Coult.; Samanea flexicaulis (Benth.) J.F.Macbr.; Zygia flexicaulis (Benth.) Sudw.;
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