Boerhavia 黄细心属
Boerhavia L. [Nyctaginaceae]
40 tropics

  1. Stemmerik, J.F., Flora Malesiana, ser. I, vol. 6(3) (Nyctaginaceae): 452-455 (1964)

Synonymous genera:
  1. Anulocaulis Standley (1909)
  2. Axia Lour. (0)
  3. Boerhaavia L. (1754)
  4. Commicarpus Standley (1909)
  5. Cyphomeris Standley (1911)

There were 110 accepted species found [distribution filter: global; grouped by species]

722356 73796 Anulocaulis annulatus (Cov.) Standl. [125 148728 Boerhavia annulata Cov.]
Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb., vol. 4 : t. 18 (1893)

1 Anulocaulis annulatus (Cov.) Standl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia annulata Cov.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

2 Anulocaulis eriosolenus (Torrey) Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

3 Anulocaulis leiosolenus (Torrey) Standl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia leiosolena Torrey;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

4 Anulocaulis reflexus I.M.Johnst. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
563222 148712 Boerhavia acutifolia (Choisy) J.W.Moore [80 148781 Boerhavia diffusa var. acutifolia Choisy]
Nat. Hist. Mus., London (The Endeavour Botanical Illustrations): (1769) [S. Parkinson]
4985692 148712 Boerhavia acutifolia (Choisy) J.W.Moore [80 148781 Boerhavia diffusa var. acutifolia Choisy]
Bank's Florilegium: t. 640 (1772-1784)

5 Boerhavia acutifolia (Choisy) J.W.Moore distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia diffusa var. acutifolia Choisy;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

6 Boerhavia africana Lour. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus africanus (Lour.) Dandy;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

7 Boerhavia alamasona Rose distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

8 Boerhavia alata S. Watson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

9 Boerhavia albiflora Fosberg distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4499186 148722 Boerhavia ambigua (Meikle) Govaerts [125 267497 Commicarpus ambiguus Meikle]
Kew Bull., vol. 38(): : p. 482, fig. 1 (1983) [C. Grey-Wilson]

10 Boerhavia ambigua (Meikle) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus ambiguus Meikle;
heterotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus amgiguus Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

12 Boerhavia anisophylla Torrey distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

13 Boerhavia arabica (Meikle) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus arabicus Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

14 Boerhavia australis (Meikle) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus australis Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

15 Boerhavia boissieri Heimerl ex Vierh. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus boissieri (Heimerl) Cufod.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

16 Boerhavia bracteosa S. Watson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

17 Boerhavia brandegeei (Standl.) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus brandegeei Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

18 Boerhavia burbidgeana Hewson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

19 Boerhavia capitata (Choisy) Heimerl distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Nyctaginia capitata Choisy;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1677285 148749 Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Rottb. [116 1049273 Valeriana chinensis L.]
N.L. Burman, Fl. Indica (Burman): p. 15, t. 6, fig. 3 (1768) [A. van der Laan]
1308455 148749 Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Rottb. [116 1049273 Valeriana chinensis L.]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 5 : t. 1766 (1846) [Govindoo]
46699947 148749 Boerhavia chinensis species (L.) Rottb. [118 1049273 Valeriana chinensis species L.]
F.M. Bailey, Compr. Cat. Queensland Pl.: p. 396, fig. 373 (1913) [C.T. White]
2324515 148749 Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Rottb. [116 1049273 Valeriana chinensis L.]
Fl. Males., vol. 6(3): : p. 453, fig. 1 (1964) [R. van Crevel]

20 Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Rottb. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Asch. & Schweinf.; Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Druce; Commicarpus chinensis (L.) Heimerl; Valeriana chinensis L.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia bastica Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Boerhavia repanda Willd.; Boerhavia umbellata Wight ex Hook.f.; Commicarpus repandus (Willd.) Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

21 Boerhavia chrysantha Barneby distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

22 Boerhavia ciliata Brandegee distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia mathisiana F.B.Jones;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1529686 148756 Boerhavia coccinea Miller
N.J. von Jacquin, Observ. Bot. (Jacquin), vol. 4 : t. 84 (1767)
33911935 148756 Boerhavia coccinea Miller
M. Sessé, M. Mociño, Draw. Roy. Exped. New Spain: [Hunt instutute, Turner collection no. 0124] (1787-1803)
588205 148756 Boerhavia coccinea Miller
N.J. von Jacquin, Fragm. Bot.: t. 46, fig. 2 (1809)
1687962 148756 Boerhavia coccinea Miller
A. Stahl, Estud. Fl. Puerto-Rico: (1883-1888) [A. Stahl]
2869392 148756 Boerhavia coccinea Miller
J. Hutchinson, J.M. Dalziel, R.W.J. Keay, Fl. W. Trop. Afr., ed. 2, vol. 1(1): : p. 177, fig. 66 (1954) [W.E. Trevithick]

23 Boerhavia coccinea Miller distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia agglutinans Batt. & Trab.; Boerhavia bracteata T.Cooke; Boerhavia caribaea Jacq.; Boerhavia diandra Aublet; Boerhavia ixodes Standl.; Boerhavia marlothii Heimerl; Boerhavia nantocana Schauer; Boerhavia reboudiana Pomel; Boerhavia viscosa Lag. & Rodr.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

24 Boerhavia cordobensis Kuntze ex Heimerl distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia pterocarpa S. Watson;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

25 Boerhavia coulteri (Hook.f.) S. Watson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

26 Boerhavia crassifolia (Heimerl) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus crassifolius Heimerl;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

27 Boerhavia crispa F.Heyne ex Hook.f. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia rottleri Steudel; Boerhavia rugosa Rottler ex Wall.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

28 Boerhavia crispifolia Fosberg distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

29 Boerhavia decipiens (Meikle) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus decipiens Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1677131 148773 Boerhavia diandra L.
N.L. Burman, Fl. Indica (Burman): p. 3, t. 1, fig. 1 (1768) [A. van der Laan]
610466 148773 Boerhavia diandra L.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. 53 : t. 11 (1906)
4678726 148773 Boerhavia diandra L.
J.A. Battandier, L.C. Trabut, Atlas Fl. Alger, vol. 3-4 : t. 40 (1913) [n.a.]

31 Boerhavia diandra L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia glutinosa Vahl; Boerhavia pachypoda Batt. & Trab.; Boerhavia vulvariifolia Poiret;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

32 Boerhavia dichotoma Hochst. ex Walp. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia pulverulenta Dupuis ex Vahl;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1230791 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
H.A. van Rheede tot Drakestein, Hort. Ind. Malab., vol. 7 : t. 56 (1686)
4329631 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
C. Plumier, Mss., vol. 4 (Botanicon Americanum seu historia plantarum Americanis insulis nascentium): t. 148 (1689-1697) [C. Plumier]
4108541 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
Pl. Malab. Icon., vol. 2(): : t. 245 (1694-1710)
62448Boerhavia diffusa L. var. obtusifolia
M. Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, vol. 1 (Atlas): t. 93 (1875) [xxx]
136155 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 14(2): fasicle 58, (Rosaceae; Combretaceae, Crassulaceae, Droseraceae; Escallonieae, Cunoniaceae; Conneraceae, Ampelideae; Tropaeolaceae, Portulacaceae, Ficoidaceae, Elatinaceae; Phytolaccaceae, Nyctagineae): p. 369, t. 86 (1877)
1687971 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
A. Stahl, Estud. Fl. Puerto-Rico: (1883-1888) [A. Stahl]
16247458 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 4 : t. 783, fig. A (1918)
4811671 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
H.N. Ridley, Fl. Malay Penins., vol. 3 (Apetalae, pp. 1-405): p. 2 (1924) [J. Hutchinson]
4819321 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 2(1): (Edible plants): t. 493 (1945)
1170991 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., vol. 48 : p. 53, t. 122 (1961)
2340951 148779 Boerhavia diffusa L.
Fl. Males., vol. 6(3): : p. 453, fig. 1 (1964) [R. van Crevel]

33 Boerhavia diffusa L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Axia cochinchinensis Lour.; Boerhavia adscendens Willd.; Boerhavia caespitosa Ridley; Boerhavia ciliatobracteata Heimerl; Boerhavia friesii Heimerl; Boerhavia paniculata Rich.; Boerhavia xerophila Domin;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

34 Boerhavia discolor Kunth distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia scabrida Steudel & Hochst.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

35 Boerhavia elegans Choisy distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia rubicunda Steudel;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1677142 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
N.L. Burman, Fl. Indica (Burman): p. 3, t. 1, fig. 2 (1768) [A. van der Laan]
781852 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
N.J. von Jacquin, Hort. Bot. Vindob., vol. 1 : t. 5 (1770)
781862 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
N.J. von Jacquin, Hort. Bot. Vindob., vol. 1 : t. 6 (1770)
1393832 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
G. Bonelli, Hort. Rom., vol. 1 : t. 11 (1772-1793)
1884632 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
Plant. Indig. Exot., vol. 5 : t. 17 (1792)
3348982 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
B.C. Vogel, C.J. Trew, G.D. Ehret, Suppl. Pl. Select., vol. 2 : t. 11 (1792) [G.D. Ehret]
1687982 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
A. Stahl, Estud. Fl. Puerto-Rico: (1883-1888) [A. Stahl]
3892732 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
H.G.A. Engler, Nat. Pflanzenfam., vol. 3(1b): (Phytolaccaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Aizoaceae, Portulacaceae, Caryophyllaceae): p. 22, fig. 7 B-D (1889)
3625322 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
W. Fawcett, A.B. Rendle, Fl. Jamaica, vol. 3 : p. 147, fig. 50 (1914)
1171002 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., vol. 48 : p. 53, t. 122 (1961)
2340962 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
Fl. Males., vol. 6(3): : p. 453, fig. 1 (1964) [R. van Crevel]
4314082 148808 Boerhavia erecta L.
J. Arnold Arbor., vol. 55 : , fig. 3 i (1974) [VS]

36 Boerhavia erecta L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia elongata Salisb.; Boerhavia thornberi M.E.Jones; Valeriana latifolia M. Martens & Galeotti;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

37 Boerhavia fallacissima Heimerl ex Schinz distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus fallacissimus (Heimerl) Pohnert;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

38 Boerhavia fistulosa Fosberg distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

39 Boerhavia gardneri Hewson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

40 Boerhavia glabrata Blume distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia dominii Meikle & Hewson;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

41 Boerhavia glandulosa Andersson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

42 Boerhavia gracillima Heimerl distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

43 Boerhavia graminicola Berhaut distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

44 Boerhavia grandiflora A. Rich. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus grandiflorus (A. Rich.) Standl.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia dichotoma Schimp. ex Oliver; Boerhavia fruticosa Dalz.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

45 Boerhavia greenwayi (Meikle) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus greenwayi Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

46 Boerhavia heimerlii Vierh. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus heimerlii (Vierh.) Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

47 Boerhavia helenae Roemer & Schultes distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus helenae (Roemer & Schultes) Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

48 Boerhavia herbstii Fosberg distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

49 Boerhavia hereroensis Heimerl distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4493546 148841 Boerhavia heronensis Govaerts
Kew Bull., vol. 34(): : p. 342 (1979-1980) [J.A. Lowe]

50 Boerhavia heronensis Govaerts distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus insularum Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

51 Boerhavia hiranensis (Thulin) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus hiranensis Thulin;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
781871 148843 Boerhavia hirsuta L.
N.J. von Jacquin, Hort. Bot. Vindob., vol. 1 : t. 7 (1770)
2826591 148843 Boerhavia hirsuta L.
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 14 [], fig. 3 (1777) [I. Galvez]
2805421 148843 Boerhavia hirsuta L.
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 13 [] (1777) [F. Pulgar]
907595 148843 Boerhavia hirsuta L.
M.E. Descourtilz, Fl. Méd. Antilles, vol. 3 : t. 206 (1827) [J.T. Descourtilz]

52 Boerhavia hirsuta L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia decumbens Vahl; Boerhavia diffusa Sw.; Boerhavia laxa Pers.; Boerhavia obtusifolia Steudel; Boerhavia paniculata Lam.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

53 Boerhavia hitchcockii Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

54 Boerhavia hualienensis Shih H.Chen & M.J.Wu distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

55 Boerhavia lantsangensis (D.Q.Lu) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus lantsangensis D.Q.Lu;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

56 Boerhavia lateriflora Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

57 Boerhavia libyca Pomel distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

58 Boerhavia linearifolia A. Gray distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia lindheimeri Standl.; Boerhavia tenuifolia A. Gray; Boerhavia tenuifolia A. Gray ex J. Coulter;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

59 Boerhavia litoralis Kunth distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

60 Boerhavia maculata Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

61 Boerhavia megaptera Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

62 Boerhavia mista (Thulin) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus mistus Thulin;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

63 Boerhavia montana (Miré, H.Gillet & Quézel) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus montanus Miré, H.Gillet & Quézel;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
Boerhavia mutabilis R. Br.
F.J.H. von Mueller [Müller], E.J. Ewart, Pl. Victoria, vol. 2(1): (suppl. 12-18; Lithograms): t. 67 (1864-1865)

64 Boerhavia mutabilis R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

65 Boerhavia octandra S. Watson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

66 Boerhavia organensis Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

67 Boerhavia paludosa (Domin) Meikle distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia diffusa var. paludosa Domin;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

68 Boerhavia parviflora (Thulin) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus parviflorus Thulin;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

69 Boerhavia patula Dombey ex Vahl distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia obtusifolia Lam.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

70 Boerhavia pedunculosa A. Rich. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus pedunculosus (A. Rich.) Cufod.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2878041 148893 Boerhavia pentandra Burch.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [M.C. Fawkes]
2457731 148893 Boerhavia pentandra Burch.
H.W.R. Marloth, Fl. S. Afr. (Marloth), vol. 1 : t. 47, fig. D (1913) [E. Dixie]
2456861 148893 Boerhavia pentandra Burch.
H.W.R. Marloth, Fl. S. Afr. (Marloth), vol. 1 : p. 190, fig. 86 (1913)

71 Boerhavia pentandra Burch. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus pentandrus (Burch.) Heimerl;
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia burchellii Choisy;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

72 Boerhavia periplocifolia Comm. ex Vahl distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

73 Boerhavia pilosa (Heimerl) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus follacissimus f. pilosus Heimerl; Commicarpus pilosus (Heimerl) Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

74 Boerhavia plicata Bojer distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2412802 148899 Boerhavia plumbaginea Cav.
A.J. Cavanilles, Icon. (Cavanilles), vol. 2 : t. 112 (1793) [A.J. Cavanilles]
377186 148899 Boerhavia plumbaginea Cav.
Fl. Congo Belge, vol. 2 : p. 87, t. 7 (1951) [M. Boutique]
528116 148899 Boerhavia plumbaginea Cav.
Fl. Madag., vol. 68 (Nyctaginacées): p. 7 (1954) [J. Saussotte-Guérel]

75 Boerhavia plumbaginea Cav. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus plumbagineus (Cav.) Standl.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia commersonii Baillon; Boerhavia dichotoma Vahl; Boerhavia fruticosa Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia repanda Kotschy ex Choisy; Boerhavia repanda Roxb.; Boerhavia stellata Wight; Boerhavia verticillata Boiss.; Boerhavia verticillata Poiret; Boerhavia viscosa Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Commicarpus commersonii (Baillon) Cavaco; Commicarpus verticillatus (Poiret) Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4591102 148904 Boerhavia procumbens Banks ex Roxb.
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 1315u (1780-1815)
4630842 148904 Boerhavia procumbens Banks ex Roxb.
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 1315 (1780-1815)

76 Boerhavia procumbens Banks ex Roxb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3226086 148907 Boerhavia pulchella Griseb.
Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, vol. 2 : p. 538, fig. 27 (1902)

77 Boerhavia pulchella Griseb. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Oxybaphus cretaceus Chodat & Wilczek;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

78 Boerhavia punarnava Saha & K.H.Krishnam. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

79 Boerhavia purpurascens A. Gray distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

80 Boerhavia ramosissima (Thulin) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus ramosissimus Thulin;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3657986 148913 Boerhavia raynalii (J.-P.Lebrun & Meikle) Govaerts [125 267531 Commicarpus raynalii J.-P.Lebrun & Meikle]
Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia, vol. 4 : p. 42 (1982)

81 Boerhavia raynalii (J.-P.Lebrun & Meikle) Govaerts distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus raynalii J.-P.Lebrun & Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

82 Boerhavia reniformis Chiov. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus reniformis (Chiov.) Cufod.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3205752 148919 Boerhavia repens L.
Naturalis: () [Q.M.R. VerHuell]
488112 148919 Boerhavia repens L.
A. Raffeneau-Delile, Descr. Egypte, Hist. Nat., vol. 3 (Plates): t. 3 (1813) [H.J. Redouté]
1636282 148919 Boerhavia repens L.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 4 : t. 783, fig. B (1918)
528102 148919 Boerhavia repens L.
Fl. Madag., vol. 68 (Nyctaginacées): p. 7 (1954) [J. Saussotte-Guérel]

83 Boerhavia repens L. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia repens var. diffusa (L.) Hook.f.; Boerhavia repens subsp. diandra (L.) Maire & Weiller;
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia angustifolia Span.; Boerhavia ascendens Schum.; Boerhavia bicolor Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia cortensis Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia eglandulosa Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia hirsuta Willd.; Boerhavia insularis Bojer; Boerhavia maroccana Ball; Boerhavia minutiflora Span.; Boerhavia periplocifolia Sieber ex Choisy; Boerhavia polymorpha Rich.; Boerhavia pubescens R. Br.; Boerhavia rupestris Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia sessiliflora Steudel; Boerhavia suberosa C.Sm.; Boerhavia sumata Zipp. ex Span.; Boerhavia surinamensis Miq.; Boerhavia tomentosa Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia undulata Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Boerhavia viscosa Fresen.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

84 Boerhavia repleta Hewson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

85 Boerhavia rosei Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

86 Boerhavia rufopilosa Kuntze distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3428896 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
N.L. Britton, F.W. Horne, Popular Fl. Puerto Rico: t. 475] () [F.W. Horne]
2597682 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 16 : t. 64 () [M.F. Basseporte]
781842 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
N.J. von Jacquin, Hort. Bot. Vindob., vol. 1 : t. 4 (1770)
1150822 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
N. Meerburgh, Afb. Zeldz. Gew.: t. 21 (1775-1780) [N. Meerburgh]
2826582 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 14 [], fig. 2 (1777) [I. Galvez]
2805402 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 11 [] (1777) [J. Brunete]
2805412 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
H. Ruiz, J. Pavón, Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru: t. 12 [] (1777) [F. Pulgar]
4254722 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
J. Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. Pl., vol. 2 : t. 127 (1791)
3507652 148944 Boerhavia scandens L.
J.B.P.A. de Monet de Lamarck, J.L.M. Poiret, Tabl. Encycl., vol. 1 : t. 4 (1791) [J.E. de Seve]

87 Boerhavia scandens L. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus scandens (L.) Standl.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia grahamii A. Gray; Boerhavia sarmentosa Willd.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

88 Boerhavia schinzii Heimerl ex Schinz distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
321542 148946 Boerhavia schomburgkiana Oliver
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 13 : t. 1225 (1879) [A.M.C.]

89 Boerhavia schomburgkiana Oliver distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

90 Boerhavia simonyi Heimerl & Vierh. ex Vierh. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus simonyi (Heimerl & Vierh.) Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4489906 148949 Boerhavia sinuata (Meikle) Greuter & Burdet [125 267536 Commicarpus sinuatus Meikle]
Kew Bull., vol. 29(): : p. 84 (1974) [M. Grierson]

91 Boerhavia sinuata (Meikle) Greuter & Burdet distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus sinuatus Meikle;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

92 Boerhavia sonorae Rose distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

93 Boerhavia spicata Choisy distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia torreyana (Wats.) Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

94 Boerhavia squarrosa Heimerl distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus squarrosus (Heimerl) Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

95 Boerhavia stellata Bojer distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus stellatus (Wight) Berhaut;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4489916 148959 Boerhavia stenocarpa Chiov. [0]
Kew Bull., vol. 29(): : p. 86 (1974) [C. Grey-Wilson]

96 Boerhavia stenocarpa Chiov. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus stenocarpus (Chiov.) Cufod.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

97 Boerhavia tarapacana Phil. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

98 Boerhavia tetrandra Forster f. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

100 Boerhavia traubae Spellenb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

101 Boerhavia triquetra S. Watson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

103 Boerhavia tuberosa Lam. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Commicarpus tuberosus (Lam.) Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

104 Boerhavia verbenacea Killip distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

105 Boerhavia virgata Kunth distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

106 Boerhavia weberbaueri Heimerl distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

107 Boerhavia wrightii A. Gray distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

108 Boerhavia xantii S. Watson distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Boerhavia fallax Standl.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

109 Cyphomeris crassifolia (Standl.) Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

110 Cyphomeris gypsophiloides (M.Martens & Galeotti) Standl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
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