Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta
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Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta
ID publication: 7978

Indexed illustrations in this publication: 0

References: -



Total number of volumes: 9

volumevolume (sub)titleyear(s)indexed illustrations (© volumecontributor
vol. 1 1825indexed illustrations: 0244595Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
vol. 2 1826indexed illustrations: 0244596Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
vol. 3 1827indexed illustrations: 0244597Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
vol. 4 1829indexed illustrations: 0210737Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
vol. 5 1831indexed illustrations: 0244598Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
vol. 6 1833indexed illustrations: 0244599Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
vol. 7 1835indexed illustrations: 0210738Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
vol. 8 1836indexed illustrations: 0244600Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
vol. 9(1) 1845indexed illustrations: 0244601Public Library of India, New Dehli, India